


The Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860 was established under the British Raj in India, yet is generally still in force in India today. It accommodates the enlistment of scholarly, logical and magnanimous social orders.

Under the Act social orders might be shaped, via an update of relationship, by any at least seven individuals related for any scholarly, logical or altruistic reason. The reminder of affiliation must be documented with the Registrar of Societies. The notice needs to contain the name of the general public, its articles, and the names, locations, and occupations of the individuals from the overseeing body, by anything name it very well might be called, appropriately finished paperwork for assent by every one of the individuals shaping the general public. A duplic

public additionally must be recorded alongside the notice of affiliation. An expense of rs. 50 is payable in real money, for enrollment.


Dissolution of Society by Court


As per the provisions of this act, on the application of the Registrar under section 13A or under section 24 or on an application made by not less than one- tenth of the members of a society registered under this Act, the Court of competent jurisdiction referred to in section 13 may make an order for the dissolution of the society on any of the following grounds, viz.

(a) That the society has contravened any provision of this Act or of any other law for the time being in force and it is just and equitable that the society should be dissolved

(b) That the number of the members of the society is reduced below seven;

(c) That the society has ceased to function for more than three years preceding the date of such application;

(d) That the society is unable to pay its debts or meet its liabilities; or

(e) That the registration of the society has been cancelled under section 12D on the ground that its activities or proposed activities have been or are or will be opposed to public policy.


For further enquiries and information our team of professional will guide you and help you how to registered or dissolution under societies act 1860.

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